
Showing posts from May, 2019

140 People Scheduled to Testify on First Day of FDA Hearings on CBD

When the word dropped that the federal government was interested in knowing our conclusions on CBD, it seems to have spurred a wave of action. 140 people are signed up to testify at tomorrow’s public hearing in Silver Spring, Maryland, where agency representatives will consider testimony on the use and utilization of the drug. Topics that may be covered include potency levels, potential drug interactions, and delivery method for CBD products. The agency selected speakers among respondents to its open call for comment. Attendees of the upcoming meeting will hear the opinions of individuals from the business community as well as medical professional, academics, agriculturists, and consumer advocates. Perhaps, given the expansion of the CBD industry as of late, it should come as no surprise that there are a lot of people who want to weigh in on the future of products made with the cannabinoid in the United States. Confusion has reigned ever since CBD was effectively legalized by the U

Iowa Lawmakers Plan Attempt to Override Veto of Medical Marijuana Expansion

Two Democratic lawmakers in Iowa are calling for a special legislative session to override last week’s veto of a medical marijuana expansion bill by Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds. On Friday, Reynolds vetoed a bill (House File 732) that would make more patients eligible to use medical cannabis products and increase the allowable THC dosage for therapeutic cannabis products. The bill was passed with bipartisan support in both the Iowa House of Representatives and Senate but was rejected by Reynolds last week. On Tuesday, Sen. Joe Bolkcom and Rep. John Forbes, both Democrats, said they plan to ask for a special session of the legislature to override Reynolds’ veto. “By doing that, we hope the governor will know that we are serious, and we really think that this legislation is necessary to enhance the lives of Iowans through better care,” Forbes said . Special Session Unlikely Forbes, who is a licensed pharmacist, said that expanding the state’s medical marijuana program would help Iowa

Trial Against Johnson & Johnson For Their Role in Opioid Crisis Begins Today

Opening statements for a trial against pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson began in an Oklahoma courtroom on Tuesday in a civil action designed by state officials to hold the drugmaker accountable for its role in the opioid crisis. The suit alleges that Johnson & Johnson, along with Purdue Pharma, the manufacturer of Oxycontin, and Teva Pharmaceutical, used deceptive marketing practices to sell highly addictive opioid painkillers in Oklahoma. State Attorney General Mike Hunter said that Johnson & Johnson was the “kingpin behind this public health emergency,” growing and importing raw materials that it and other companies used to manufacture opioids that led to the death of thousands of Oklahomans. “We believe our evidence is persuasive and compelling with regard to their legal responsibility for thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of addictions in the state,” Hunter said . Oklahoma state officials settled the claim with Purdue in March for $270 million and c

Arizona Supreme Court: Cannabis Concentrates Protected Under Medical Marijuana Law

The Arizona Supreme Court just announced a landmark decision related to medical marijuana in the state. Specifically, the court ruled that extracts and concentrates are legal under the terms of the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act . The decision concludes what has turned into a protracted legal battle that for years put medical marijuana patients in a precarious position when it came to the use of concentrates . Arizona Supreme Court’s New Ruling Earlier today, the Supreme Court announced that it had ruled in favor of the medical marijuana community on the question of concentrates. More specifically, the Supreme Court voted 7-0 in favor of patients and state voters. “We hold that [the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act’s] definition of marijuana includes both its dried-leaf/flower form and extracted resin, including hashish,” the court wrote in its decision. Importantly, today’s ruling puts an end to the ongoing confusion on the issue of extracts and concentrates. And it does so by expli

California Bill to Allow Medical Marijuana Purchases for Pets Advances in Congress

The state that led in legalizing medical marijuana for the two-legged is once again stepping out in front when it comes to animal access to cannabis. In California, the state Senate on Thursday voted unanimously for SB 627 , which allows adult pet owners to buy their pet medical marijuana with the recommendation of a veterinarian. The legislation was sponsored by Democrat Senator Cathleen Galgiani, and underwent review by the California Veterinary Medical Board. The case for treating pets with medical marijuana products has been being built for some time now, largely powered by human companions who stress over dosing their furry friend with opioids. But despite some science that points towards marijuana’s effectiveness in treating some animal health conditions, vets can be reluctant to talk about medical cannabis treatment options. You can’t really blame them — currently, such discussions could open them up to federal penalties. Not just any pet doctor will be able to make the call

Researchers Find Synthetic CBD Effective in Treating Seizures in Rats

Researchers at the University of California Davis have determined that a synthetic analog to cannabidiol can be effective for treating seizures in lab rats. Results of the research led by Mark Mascal, a professor in the UC Davis Department of Chemistry in collaboration with the University of Reading, U.K., were published last week by the journal Scientific Reports . Researchers compared the effectiveness of herbal CBD and a synthetic version of CBD known as 8,9-Dihydrocannabidiol (H2CBD) in treating induced seizures in lab rats. They determined that the two compounds were equally effective in reducing both the frequency and severity of seizures. Mascal said in a university press release that his lab has developed a process to produce H2CBD easily and inexpensively using commercially available chemicals. The manmade version of the drug has several advantages over its naturally derived counterpart, according to Mascal. “It’s a much safer drug than CBD, with no abuse potential and do

Cincinnati City Council To Vote On Marijuana Decriminalization Today

Wednesday afternoon, Cincinnati City Council is scheduled to vote to decriminalize marijuana possession by adults 21 years and over within city limits. The vote will take place at Cincinnati City Hall. Last week, a majority of council said they supported marijuana legalization, suggesting that the decriminalization vote will likely succeed. But council will have three decriminalization plans to consider and choose from: one that would follow other Ohio cities by limiting possession to one ounce, and two others that would set limits much higher while also eliminating fines, jail time and court costs for possession offenses. Cincinnati is About to Become the Twelfth Ohio City to Decriminalize Cannabis On Monday, Cincinnati Councilman David Mann unveiled a plan to permit adults 21 and over to personally possess up to one ounce of cannabis. The plan also bans public use . The one ounce limit and the ban on public cannabis consumption follows the 10 other Ohio cities that have already d

Utah Cannabis Cultivators May Be Required to Pay Over $100,000 in Fees

In what could be one of the most convincing financial arguments for the legalization of recreational marijuana yet, the state of Utah has announced that cannabis cultivators will face a licensing fee from between $75,000 to $100,000. “The program has to be self-sufficient and pay for itself,” said Andrew Rigby, who is program manager for the state’s marijuana industry. Utah’s Department of Agriculture and Food, the cannabis industry’s regulatory body, has estimated that legalizing medical marijuana will cost the state over $563,000 in 2020. All the same, at the current fee rates, applications and licensing has been forecasted to bring in $1.1 million. Regardless of the math, such high fees will certainly present a challenge to small marijuana businesses without a lot of capital with which to open up shop, and put the ball squarely in the court of larger or more monied firms. “It could be a barrier for a few people,” Rigby allowed to Utah publication The Spectrum . In addition to the

UK Talk Show Hosts Under Fire For Cutting Off Conversation With Cannabis Advocate

Fans of the UK morning talkshow This Morning are blasting its hosts for cutting short a segment featuring Charlotte Caldwell, a UK mother who has been at the center of a national controversy surrounding medical cannabis. Caldwell appeared on the show to discuss her ongoing difficulties accessing life-saving cannabis medication for her son Billy Caldwell, who suffers from a severe form of childhood epilepsy . But This Morning hosts Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby abruptly ended their conversation with Charlotte Caldwell, turning instead actors who play doctors on the popular UK soap opera Doctors. Fans viewed the quick end to Caldwell’s heartfelt presentation as derailing an important conversation about life-threatening illness and propping up the anti-drug stigmas surrounding medical cannabis in the UK . The Story of Billy and Charlotte Caldwell Since mid-2018, Charlotte Caldwell and her son Billy have been at the center of controversy over medical marijuana laws in the Unit

Texas Senate Advances Medical Marijuana Expansion Bill, Rejects Inclusion of PTSD

Medical marijuana patients scored a tentative win on Wednesday when the Texas Senate passed a revised version of a house bill that would add several qualifying health conditions to the state’s requirements for access to medical cannabis. Now individuals with all forms of epilepsy, seizure disorders, multiple sclerosis, spasticity, ALS, terminal cancer, autism, and incurable neurodegenerative diseases would be able to access to the medicine with a doctor’s approval under House Bill 3703 . Previously, the state’s Compassionate Use Program only allowed people with severe forms of epilepsy to access the drug. For all medical marijuana patients, the legislation cuts the requirement of two licensed neurologists for entry to the program in half. “This bill is about compassion,” commented Senator and emergency room doctor Donna Campbell, who sponsored the bill at the Senate level and who made clear during floor discussion of the legislation that she is not in favor of legalizing recreationa

Maine Officials Set Goal Date for Start of Recreational Marijuana Sales

Maine, a state that legalized recreational marijuana in 2016, still doesn’t have a commercial marketplace for cannabis. But regulators say they at least have a plan for what that marketplace will look like, one they hope to have up and running by spring 2020. Maine’s medical cannabis industry operators and entrepreneurs eager to get a foothold in the consumer market aren’t too pleased with the draft rules, however. They say onerous requirements put small local producers at a major disadvantage and pave the way for a takeover by large cannabis corporations. Maine’s Proposed Regulations Could Crush Craft Cannabis, Critics Say A month ago, in late April, Maine’s Office of Marijuana Policy unveiled their draft plan of a regulatory structure to govern a commercial cannabis industry. The 74-page rulebook gave Maine residents their first real glimpse at what recreational marijuana sales might look like. The Office of Marijuana Policy worked “at a breakneck pace to complete the work necess

Data Finds Canadians in New Brunswick Reluctant to Buy Pot With Credit Cards

Canadians aren’t so into paying for cannabis on credit. And Canada’s federal privacy commissioner says you probably shouldn’t anyway. Instead, Commissioner Daniel Therrien is recommending extreme caution when it comes to putting pot purchases on plastic, telling consumers that it’s probably better to just pay with cash. Because while cannabis is legal across Canada, consumer credit card data is almost always housed across the border. And that means records of an activity that’s lawful in Canada end up on servers in countries, like the United States , where it isn’t. Canadian Cannabis Consumers Prefer Cash, Debit over Credit The cultural transformation that’s taking place because of marijuana legalization is raising privacy concerns in unexpected places. And Canadian cannabis consumers may have a sense of the way their purchasing habits put them at risk. According to cannabis sales data, Canadian buyers vastly favor paying for weed with cash or debit card over paying with credit. In

Two-Year Investigation of Illicit Weed Market Leads to Multimillion Dollar Raids

In a reminder that marijuana legalization does not legalize the production of all marijuana, Colorado police announced that they spent Wednesday morning busting a large swath of unauthorized cannabis production. Officers seized an almost unbelievable total of $240 million in marijuana plants and $13.5 million in market-ready cannabis, in addition to a Porsche, a BMV, and a Mercedes Benz from middle to upper class homes across the Denver suburbs. A press release said that the operation yielded a total of 80,000 cannabis plants, which were confiscated from 41 houses in areas like Arvada, Thornton, Aurora, Castle Rock, Brighton, Parker, and Centennial, though raiding a total of 183 homes kept local law officers busy. Denver7 reports that over 200 search warrants were involved — the same amount as had been filed during marijuana operations going back to legalization in 2014. That publication was unable to confirm if there had been arrests or which criminal charges have been filed in co

Landmark Study Shows CBD Could Treat Heroin Addiction

Landmark Study Shows CBD Could Treat Heroin Addiction A new study out this week demonstrated that CBD, the non-psychoactive cannabinoid in marijuana and hemp, could assist those with opioid addiction. The post Landmark Study Shows CBD Could Treat Heroin Addiction appeared first on The Fresh Toast . The post Landmark Study Shows CBD Could Treat Heroin Addiction appeared first on CBD Oil Vape Liquid Spray - Cbd Pain Relief Capsules - Weed Consortium . from WordPress via IFTTT

NFL to Study Medical Marijuana Potential With Football Player’s Union

The NFL’s longstanding hostility to marijuana use among its personnel could soon be relaxed, as the league and the union representing players have agreed to study cannabis as a method of pain management. As part of the agreement, the league and the NFL Players Association will participate in two committees designed to provide guidance on the matter; the study will also include an examination of the use of prescription drugs by players. “I think it’s a proud day for the NFL and the NFLPA to come together on these issues in a very public way,” Allen Sills, the league’s chief medical officer, told the Washington Post in an interview this week. “I think it demonstrates the spirit of cooperation we have around our health and safety issues. … Both of these committees are about providing the best health care we can to players.” The NFL has long maintained a strict policy against marijuana, which is on the league’s list of banned substances. Players are regularly drug tested, and face sus

Gas Station Chain Sheetz Now Selling CBD Products in Pennsylvania Locations

Gas station and convenience store chain Sheetz is probably best known for its massive selection of snacks and touchscreen ordering system. Now, the chain is diving headfirst into the CBD craze. As announced by the company earlier today, Sheetz is now adding a full line of CBD products to its offerings. Sheetz’s New CBD Lineup The company made the announcement in a press release published today. As per the release, Sheetz has now started selling CBD products at 140 stores across Pennsylvania . “We are excited to be the first convenience store to offer a broad selection of premium CBD products at this magnitude,” Ryan Sheets, AVP of Brand, said in the statement. “This is the next evolution for Sheetz in ensuring we are meeting the needs of our customers, giving them what they want, when they want it, 24/7/365.” The company said its new CBD lineup will include a broad number of products. In particular, the lineup will feature “both isolate and full spectrum” CBD products. Sheetz s

Cannabis Cryptocurrency

American & Two Myanmar Locals Indicted By Central Mandalay Court For Growing Cannabis

We reported the discovery by police of the plantation a couple of weeks back. See Facebook Post Leads Myanmar Police To Americans Growing 350,000 Cannabis Plants Near Mandalay   Now the Myanmar Times reports that depending on the charge and the conviction there is the possibility of the death penalty being handed down. Most press are leading with that aspect but as the following report notes this will be a fairly unlikely result as the country has not executed any prisoner sentenced to death since 1988. Here’s the report A Mandalay Region court has indicted an American man and two local workers accused of growing marijuana on an industrial farm where they were supposed to be growing hemp. The court in central Mandalay charged John Frederic Todoroki with violating five sections of the country’s drugs and narcotics law covering possession, sale and trafficking of illegal drugs, lawyer Thein Than Oo said by phone.  The defendants contend they were growing hemp, not marijua

Canada Pledging $24.5 Million to Fund Research on Cannabis and Health

The Canadian government wants to learn more about the health benefits and risks of marijuana use, ponying up a significant amount of money to help support research. On Wednesday, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research announced it would be dropping roughly $24.5 million to bolster cannabis research. The money will help support 26 projects throughout Canada “that cover topics such as the use of cannabis and cannabidiol (CBD) oil for the treatment of pain and anxiety,” according to a press release from the agency. Additionally, the CIHR said the funding “will also support research teams that will explore the therapeutic potential of cannabis in areas such as cancer, chronic pain, and neurodevelopment.” “We are investing in research to provide the evidence needed to maintain policies for cannabis use that protect the health and safety of Canadians,” Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Canada’s minister of health, said in a statement. “The projects announced today will result in new informati

Grateful Dead Drummer Mickey Hart Announces Launch of Cannabis Brand

Colorado Supreme Court Rules Police Need Probable Cause Before Using Drug-Sniffing Dogs

In many ways, the legalization of marijuana is an ongoing project, even in states where possession has already been made legal. That’s because after weed is legal, there are all sorts of other legal questions and implications that arise. The legality and role of drug-sniffing dogs is one example. Prior to legalization, K-9 units were typically trained to detect a broad range of illegal substances. And that included cannabis. But when weed becomes legal in a state, the legal system must suddenly figure out what to do about these dogs. Specifically, state legal systems must determine if it’s still legal to have dogs alert cops to the presence of legal amounts of marijuana . These are questions being asked in Colorado. And now, the Colorado Supreme Court has made its decision. In a new ruling, the state’s courts have decided that drug-sniffing dogs can no longer be used by cops if they don’t have probable cause for a search. Colorado Supreme Court’s New Decision The new decision sta

New Jersey Lawmakers May Vote on Medical Marijuana Expansion This Week

New Jersey lawmakers could vote as early as Thursday on a major medical marijuana expansion bill. Senate Bill 10 advanced out of a pair of committees on Monday, but only after undergoing multiple amendments. The amended version is not yet publicly available, but details are forthcoming. Still, the bill’s core framework remains the same, aiming to expand patient access to caregivers and licensed medical cannabis products. So even though adult-use legalization is off the table in New Jersey for the time being, medical cannabis consumers, caregivers and the industry stand to benefit from the bill’s new regulations. Medical Marijuana Expansion Bill Would Improve Patient Access New Jersey has been trying to grow its medical cannabis program under Gov. Phil Murphy’s administration. When Murphy took office in January 2018, the state had registered 30,000 medical cannabis patients. That number has since increased to 46,000. But the problem is that the state’s caregiver and dispensary infra

Former Phylos Bioscience Employee Sheds Light on Breeding Controversy

There were perhaps twenty people gathered to hear me speak. For a noon slot, not too bad. All the same, it was my first time giving The Pitch for Phylos Bioscience, and I psyched myself up through a buzzing chest as best I could. Fairbanks Alaska in July is a land without night; having spent the previous evening watching the sun through my hotel window as it barely dipped below the horizon only to creep back up from its catnap an hour later, I was a bit edgier than perhaps I should have been. I stiffened, walked up to the podium, clumsily fiddled with the microphone, had a deep breath and jumped right in. This was my moment, after all. I smiled. The Script “Hello, folks! Hope everybody’s had a pleasant morning. My name is Ricky, and I’m here today from Phylos Bioscience.” Many of you in the grower and breeder communities who are reading this met me under exactly these circumstances. I smiled at you, shook your hand. I answered your questions with austerity and confidence, gained y